company name

Role-Playing Game without a Game Master



We are introducing a new role-playing game that deals with the topic of upheaval in a medieval style society and the challenges of a reformation. The game does not claim to be historically accurate. Rather, it is about taking up different focal points of the reformation topic and making them tangible.

Nesciamus is a game in which the group plays together and tries to reach a good ending. This is not so easy in the world of Nesciamus and requires good coordination, good ideas and daring actions.

The game was designed by a group of young people to be fun first and foremost. It contains exciting scenes in which entertaining discussions and arguments take place. However, the game also offers a basis for dealing with ethical and moral issues.



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Campaign, Part 1

Guardians of Truth

Turebruch, your sizable town, is in turmoil. New laws of truth are being proclaimed, accusations are being made and arrests are being made – and you are right in the middle of it all! What is going on in the world, who is right and what is behind all the turmoil? The time has come to find answers…

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3-6 Players

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3-6 Hours


33 scene cards

6 character sheets

77 role cards

160 action cards

2 Nesciamus dice

1 rules manual

3 setting cards

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Campaign, Part 2

Tempest Rising

The rule of the Guardians of Truth has become oppressive and unbearable and it is up to you and your small group of rebels to make the world better. Unfortunately this seems like an impossible task because the Guardians are very powerful and many of them want to prevent change at any cost…

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3-6 Players

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3-6 Hours


28 scene cards

6 character sheets

64 role cards

148 action cards

2 Nesciamus dice

1 rules manual

3 setting cards

1 map

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Campaign, Part 3

Fire and Ashes

As members of a group that has been struggling to bring justice to the world you have reached a point at which you encounter direct opposition. Things threaten to fall apart, even as more and more people put their faith in you and expect you to save them. Can you be the saviors or will your actions turn the world to ashes?

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3-6 Players

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3-6 Hours


36 scene cards

6 character sheets

84 role cards

188 action cards

2 Nesciamus dice

1 rules manual

12 setting cards

1 map

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Campaign, Part 4

First Sunrise

Having taken on a leadership role you are suddenly in a situation in which everyone has high expectations of you while some dark forces plot their revenge and want nothing more than to eliminate you. Can you find a way to stop the turmoil and will you find a way to deal with the hordes of demons that terrorize the lands?

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3-6 Players

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3-6 Hours


30 scene cards

6 character sheets

82 role cards

152 action cards

2 Nesciamus dice

1 rules manual

6 setting cards

1 map

spech bubbles


We have developed Nesciamus as a role-playing tool that can be used in youth work without having to learn the complex rules of a role-playing game. If you are active in youth work and are interested in our game, feel free to contact us! Tell us what you do and we will send you the game for free to support your youth work efforts! IMPORTANT: We have the game available in English and in German. Please indicate which language you prefer. You can also meet us in person. We are regularly showcasing the game at several events throughout Europe (but mostly in Germany). Above we will always list events where our presence is confirmed.